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Too Much of a Good Thing?

Back when I was a kid "Star Search" reigned supreme. Then it kind of died out and there was a lull in talent shows.

Then out of nowhere "American Idol" hit Fox and exploded! "Idol" will kick off it's 6th season of the show and will no doubt bring in record numbers.

Now before I go any further this post is more of an observation and I will try to stay as positive as possible!

First and foremost, "Lost" was NOT on again last night, leaving me to watch "The One."

NO WAY! I don't do talent shows. I'm tired of them, count them up and you'll run out of fingers and toes! Holy cow! Didn't our parents tell us as we were growing up that it is possible to have too much of a good thing?

If you're a big fan of all these shows; "So You Think You Can Dance" "The One" "Rock Star: Supernova" and the others let me help you enjoy all of them at the same time! I've come up with a little picture that'll combine all the fun of those "talent" shows and I even threw in the most current movie ads (since I see them every break!)

Check it out...enjoy! It's 4 hours of "talent" shows all wrapped up into 1 picture!


JQ99 Office Teaser Trailer!

What is this? of "the Office" will really enjoy it.

Our plan is to put together short clips that will give you the listener a peak into our daily work lives.

In order to kind of kick that off, I've put together a 30 sec. teaser trailer to get you excited for that.

You can click HERE to go to and check it out!

Hope you enjoy it. It's not professional by any means, just something fun to make you smile!

Have a great day, I'd write more but the video took up a lot of my time!



Exercise is GOOD!

Blah...exercise. That's what most of us think of it. Well I've been on a bike riding kick lately.

Feeling pretty good about it. I've been getting outside, getting exercise, and drinking lots of water. Amazing how one activity can accomplish so many good things.

I've been regularly riding my bike for the last 4 days. "Go Me!"

On Sunday I even watched coverage of the "Tour de France" Let me tell you, I was expecting something quite boring and sub-par to the "British Open" (Pun intended)

Well I was quite surprise, the "Tour de France" was really exciting. That moment where Floyd Landis kicked it into high gear and came back from being behind, landed me at the edge of my futon. It was awesome!

So with all my biking I decided to throw a picture together, depicting what it would look like if I won the "Tour de France." Don't laugh...well, go ahead, it is pretty funny looking.



A day that changed my life...

Happy Monday!

So today is an interesting day. One year ago today I received word that an employee here at JQ passed away. Little did I know that that situation would effect me as much as it did.

Some of you reading this may remember him...William (Jack) Moelker. Great guy, loved trains.

As a train lover Jack would take vacations and ride the rails to wherever, meeting whoever. That's where I came in...sort of. Back then I was only part-time...well less than part-time, only like 3 hours a week running the board for a remote. (A foot in the door)

After I got familiar with things here at the station I would cover for Jack while he was gone on vacation. (Another foot in the door)

During this time last year I was really struggling with my full-time place of employment, and was grasping at straws to try and find another job. I would spend a full days, dressed up in my suit filling out applications and handing out resumes, which all eventually led to dead ends.

Flash forward to the day Jack passed away and I received an email from Troy informing me of the situation. Troy wanted to bring me in for what I thought was just to cover for Jack until they foud a replacement, but it was more, it was a job offer.

I was stunned. The situation with my other job was stressing me out beyond all belief, and here was this huge break. A break at the expense of someones life? That was kind of tough to deal with.

I began to look at it as a balance...something good can come out of something bad. Then I began to think...what was the bad part? Jack's death? No way! His friends and family might view that as bad, because they would no longer be able to spend time with him, but he's going to be doing great! He'll be ridin' the rails in Heaven, kickin' it the God! How awesome is that!

So the more I thought about it the more I thought that everything worked out really well. Jack got to be with his "Father," I finally got to leave the stress behind at the video store, JQ got a hard worker, and I saw how God can work in my life.

So many times I wallowed in the fact that sometimes I felt God was spending more time on other peoples lives. "What about me? What about the things I need?" Those were common phrases of mine.

Then 1 year ago today, God grabbed my face, you know like a parent does to their child when they want the child to really hear what they have to say, and told me He is taking care of my needs.

Thanks God...thanks Jack.



Captain's Blog: 7.21.06

Good day to you all!

What to talk about today...hmm. Well, one thing that's been on my mind lately is the fact that about 2 months ago I caught the "Lost" bug.

Well I whipped through the season 1 DVD's and finished it just in time for the season 2 reruns to air on ABC. ABC's been really good about airing the episodes in order, then all of the sudden this week...nothing..."Lost" was missing, instead it was another "cookie-cutter" reality show.

I checked the schedule to see what next week Wednesday would hold, and low and behold another 2 episodes! Wait...those 2 episodes aren't the next ones! Yes that's right the ones they would have aired this past Wednesday vanished!

So I downloaded them from iTune and watched them last night. I couldn't believe of all episodes to skip over they picked these 2!

**Spoilers Lie Ahead**

The first episode: "The Hunting Party" had Jack, Sawyer, and Locke going after Michael. Well then the "Others" surrounded them and gave a few bits of information on the island! Viewers actually got to see one of the "Others."

The second episode: "Fire & Water" revolves around Charlie and Claire's baby. Charlie has dreams (or decide) about Aaron needing to be baptized. There's obviously something important with that baby.

So anyway, those episodes contained some really important information, why skip over them? I guess the more I think about it the more I think that ALL the episodes contain important information, and NONE of them should be overlooked.

For all you "Non-Lost" people...well, "What's wrong with you!" No...I'm kidding, there isn't anything wrong with you, but here's something else I was thinking about.

Whistling. I'm pretty sure most of us do it sometime through out the day. Well, here at the station, JQ plays through the building, so I'll find myself whistling a song without even realizing it.

The interesting thing...I think there is an unwritten rule that no 2 people can whistle the same song at the same time. Example...I might start whistling a song, and then someone else will start, I get this weird feeling and have to stop.

You might be thinking...well maybe that's just you. Well it's not, I've tried the reverse. Example...Someone else is whistling a song, I join in without realizing and find myself the only one doing it, the other person stops!

Try it out works. It kind of reminds me of the theory that yawns are contagious.

I'm out!



Today is World Jump Day

What is World Jump Day?

Well according to the World Jump Day website, scientific reseach believes that if the Earth were to have a new orbit, that new orbit would help with Global Warming, Extend Day-Time hours, and even create a more Homogeneous Climate.

The Website had all it's members (600,248,012 to be exact) jump at the same time at 11:39:13 GMT or 8:39:13 this morning (Wednesday, June 20th)

I have to be honest...I didn't feel anything...Did you? I hope it doesn't push us into an orbit that'll send us off into the sun or something. Yikes!




Isn't that how these things always start out? I'm Jeremy and you've probably found this Blog because you're a friend, family member, or a listener of JQ99!

Thanks for the visit...more postings to come!
