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Evan Almighty Review

Alright...I know...I know...this is probably way later than it should be, however...time is very hard to come by, these days before the wedding.

I caught "Evan Almighty" in the theaters this week and I have to share my opinion, because it's a great movie and there have been many people out there that are skeptical, concerned, maybe even closed-minded about this movie. Their reasoning stems from many different views, ie. "God promised to never flood the earth again and this movie clearly goes against the Bible on this." or, "It has so-and-so in it and they were in some Non-Positive/Non-Christian movie and that's wrong!", or, as horrible as it sounds..."God isn't black/African-American."

(By the way...these are quotes from individuals that I have read first-hand and if anyone can tell me of a program on mainstream television that DOESN'T have someone who can be tied to a less than positive/Christian movie or television show, I'd like to know, as well as if whoever feels they know the color of God's skin...if He even has skin, would share with the rest of us, that'd be great too!)

Take or leave this review...but know that the opinions of this column are that of me...the individual...and do NOT reflect the views of anyone else. Also...I did used to work for a video store...for 5 years and watched lots of movies...took video production classes in college...therefore I feel I have a little bit of "street cred."

So...without further's my review on "Evan Almighty."This movie picks up "some time" after the 1st one..."Bruce Almighty." Evan who, in the first movie was successful in becoming a head in the 2nd film successfully becomes a congressman.

He and his family pick up and move to a fancy house in a ritzy housing development. Although the fanciness of the house and the new lifestyle don't seem to be enough for the wife, Joan, and kids to forget what they left behind...friends, etc. Something that is reinforced throughout most of the movie.

The successful Congressman Evan Baxter quickly makes connections and is ask to co-sponsor a bill, thus creating lots of work, inevitably causing Evan to pick work over family.

One night after most of the family is clear the wife picks up on this and prays that the family will be able to grow closer. This along with Evan's positioning statement while running to be a congressmen, "Change the World" gives God His in, into the Baxter family.

Without giving away the what's and how's...let's just say that, much like the first movie, God...after much persuasion is able to get Evan's attention and even his service into building him an Ark.

At first Evan tries to build the Ark while still doing the congressman thing...but that eventually falls apart and he then decides to focus full-time on the Ark...which then sends the wife and kids headed to her mother's house.

As Evan continues the Ark with the aid of many...MANY animals. Evan's wife and kids are at lunch and Joan, without knowing who she's talking to, has a GREAT conversation with God. This to me is a very strong part of the movie and ultimately where the message of the movie lies.

After her conversation with God, Joan and the kids go back home to Evan and help in his efforts to finish the Ark before the deadline of the "flood."

Eventually the Ark is finished and it's the day that Evan was told the flood would come and there are news reporters, neighbors, and the like, surrounding the Ark, only to make fun and be skeptical. Not to mention that John Goodman's character shows up to destroy the Ark.

Now...I'm not going to share what happens next because you'll just have to have faith that this movie DOES uphold God's promise that he will NOT flood the earth again.

Throughout the movie there is another storyline tying in John Goodman's character and the bill which does get resolved in the end and everyone lives happily ever after.

Now that I've given you the basic storyline of the movie let me say that this movie has a GREAT message. It also had many...MANY opportunities to stray from the positive...but doesn't! This movie my opinion acceptable for any age. The movie does an amazing job of walking the line between entertainment and Faith and is NOT blasphemous. Lastly...this movie is very funny!

The one thing I will reveal is something that I know most of us already know and believe that if it were to catch on...that the world would be a better place.

One of the many good morals of the story is that, God tells Evan that, "Changing the world starts with one Act of Random Kindness." Much like the theory of "Pay it Forward", "Evan Almighty" gets the message across that with one Act of Random Kindness you can change the world. Think about what the world would be like if every single person did one Act of Random Kindness...pretty awesome huh?

There you review and thoughts. If you're one of those people who like the thumbs up/thumbs down, or star scale. I give "Evan Almighty" - Thumbs Up and 4 out of 5 stars.



An Educational Time Waster!

So as much as we would all probably NOT admit that we do it...we all waste time. At work...wherever. Well...I've run across I time waster that is very educational! That way you don't have to feel so bad when you're wasting time!

It's called:

"Click on the above image to be taken to the game."

Yes..."StateTris". It is a combination of the United States and Tetris. Pretty simple concept. The pieces...or States...float down from the top of the screen and you put them where they need to go...thus building the U.S. from the bottom to the top.

There are difficulties...

Easy - State shapes have names attached to them and pieces DON'T need to be rotated.

Medium - State shapes have names attached to them and pieces DO need to be rotated.

Hard - State shapes have NO names attached to them and NEED to be rotated.

I issue you a challenge today...see what your fastest time can be on HARD. Mine is 2:55.2

Good luck...leave a comment with your score!


It's Coming...


Sorry. That's really all I have to say at this point. It's been almost 3 weeks since my last post. I very much apologize and I hope...that you can forgive me. my has been CRAZY!

Crazy in a good way though. Which brings me to my next post.

Coming up on Wednesday, July 25th, not only are we 6 months from Christmas...yes I said Christmas, but I am 1 month from "W-day"...or Wedding Day!

It's no lie that it feels like time has flown by. It really seems like only a few months ago, Annie and I were even talking about getting married. Yet here we are...a month and 2 days away!

A month and 2 days away...
from the wedding.
from marrying my best friend.
from starting the next stage in life.
from starting a family.

All the months leading to our special day has been filled with excitement and lots and lots of advice from EVERYONE! Which is has different advice. One thing I do with advice is listen to it all then form my own way.

So...since our special day is nearing, I'd like to invite anyone who has advice to please, feel free to share it. Leave a comment and leave some words of wisdom.




Could You Be a Citizen? today is the 4th of July. A very special day for the U.S. It's even a special day for some "out-of-town" folk who have studied their hearts out and would like to become a citizen of the United States of America.

I was thinking...I'm a citizen...but only because I was born here. I wonder how many of the questions I could answer.

Well, I ran across some of the questions (with answers available)...and the results put me in the C/B+ not bad.

Why don't you give it a shot and see if you can stay in the country. :)


Back from Biloxi

Well...I'm back from Biloxi and boy am I tired. Seriously...

Anyway...time for some facial hair fun!

During the week I was down there leading the Youth in their Summer Mission Trip, I didn't shave...take a look at what 1 week did for me.

Some might say, "Teen Wolf"...others..."Abe Lincoln"...I say, "Wait until tomorrow!" That's right. I've been challenged to shave just enough to leave me with some large sideburns, you know...Wolverine style.

We'll have to see if I can leave the house like that or not.

Now that I'm back...I'll have more time to post, so check back!
