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What's the News - Episode 2

Here you go...this week's episode of "What's the News?" Enjoy!



What's the News - Episode 1

Well look at that...the station gets a camera and I get a new segment! Every week...hopefully every Tuesday, I'll be bringing you a short news feature covering the latest news in Christian Music, reviews, top songs of the week and more. Check it out:

Hope you enjoyed...I'm sure in the coming weeks there will be tweaks, but if you have some constructive criticism...feel free to leave a comment!


Educational Time Waster

Ever been sitting around at work or at home and wanted an educational time waster? Well search no further! I ran across this game on one of the many sites I check every day. It's called: "Questionaut"Now...the premise is pretty easy, but I can't share it with you because it would lose some of the excitement you'd get from figuring it all out and watching it all unfold.

Just head to the "Questionaut Website", wait for it to load (you need Flash), click Play, and go from there.

I can say that the art is really beautiful and the music is just as complimentary. It contains 8 educational levels and is so enjoyable I wish that it would continue on for hundreds more!



Spring Swim Phone Call

So the annual JQ99 First Swim of the Spring is this Saturday. This is the 13th Spring Swim we've done and we're trying to make it the largest swim ever. So big in fact, that we've tried to bring in celebrities...however, we've been unsuccessful.

It was my job to contact President Bush...I recorded the phone call...take a listen...

I know that he means well and unfortunately he's just way too busy to come to Spring Swim, but maybe you're not. Grab a release form and pledge form over at and join us this Saturday, March 22nd!

See you there!



Look UP!

Look up...what do you see? Well, you either see the kid looking up with a big green arrow, a goofy drawing of myself, or you see a very cool blue banner telling you what we're playing on JQ99 right now!

How cool is that! It's called:

A very cool tool for radio stations and their listeners! It allows us to provide our listeners to view previously played songs, chat with other listeners, vote on songs, purchase the songs through iTune, and MORE!

Click the banner for more!