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Spring is Here! maybe according to the calendar it's not quite spring...but it is for me. I think everyone has a tell tale sign that signifies the beginning of Spring. I know that for my mom and grandma it was the first sighting of a Robin.

Anyway...we've got some sunshine in the forecast this weekend and yesterday I had my Spring...and Shamrock Shake from McDonald's. My all time favorite milk shake!

Yeah check that out...ever seen that guy before? I never have but he apparently exists. He's related to Grimace...the big furry purple guy. Apparently the story is that Uncle O'Grimacey hides away for 11 months out of the year, and always comes to visit Grimace and the other McDonald friends, and brings the Shamrock Shakes with him. Although I guess he's been M.I.A. for a number of years. Don't believe he's real? Check this out!

Oh yeah...he existed all right.

So anyway...I know it's Spring now, because Shamrock Shakes are available at McDonald's. I highly recommend you pick one up before ol' Uncle O'Grimacey heads back home!



Here's what I accomplished this morning...

Okay...before I get to what I accomplished this morning, let me say that I'm very sorry for those who work with me.

Here's what went down. We've got a snack drawer here at the station and it got filled this morning. Now, it's usually filled with items like, chocolate, chewy candy, more chocolate, suckers, and more chocolate. Well after much consideration they've starting adding healthier items like, nuts, crackers, and microwave popcorn.

Keeping that in mind, here I am, I finished my healthy breakfast which consisted of me dipping apple slices in my vanilla yogurt and still have a hankering for a tasty treat. So I made my way to the recently filled snack drawer and grabbed a microwave popcorn packet.

In the past, I've just pushed the "Popcorn" button and my popcorn has come out amazingly good. So...this morning I did the same thing to come back to microwave and found this:

That's right, I burned the popcorn...and I burned it GOOD! There wasn't a single piece that could be salvaged, every single kernel bit the dust as it was.

I'm not sure if someone in your home or office has ever accomplished such a feat but man it smells in here today...and not in a good way.
