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11 months...Woah!

That little girl right there...She's 11 months old today!

Wow...Where did the time go? Woke up this morning and remembered that today my baby girl turned 11 months old today. Even better...1 month from today she's going to celebrate her first birthday!

Now I have the world's worst memory, and since I can remember everything that happened on October 9th & 10, 2008, in very vivid detail...Time has gone by WAY too fast.

It's kind of exciting though...Pretty soon she'll be walking and talking. Right now she spends her time making nonsense noises, which are cute, and crawling faster than any other land mammal!

Good stuff!



Where have I been?

Posting somewhere else!

A couple of weeks ago I got involved with Music Programming here at the station. Then...Based on a conversation I had with a Record Label Rep. I started a Music Blog, and so, since then, that's where I've been spending all my time.

Check it out...HERE!



It finally arrived today! What is it? I don't know, but maybe it'll
fix out road.

Mr. Picassohead

Ha...this is fun. Check it out!



Noah's Special Ark

I knew Noah had two of every animal on the ark, but I guess I missed
the part where there were two Noah's!


Look what I built with my daughter's toys. It's a toybot!


Emerson with a souveniour from the zoo. It's a tourtise.

During today's internet adventure...

I ran across this photo and caption:

It was only a matter of time. Carmen Sandiego has grown old and reckless. She’s been spotted sitting in a train station, sporting her trademark red hat and jacket. I guess now, we can all stop asking the question, "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?"


My daughter with my glasses on. Doesn't she look smart?


Just a little something I whipped up on my iPhone.

After Friday night's storms, this is what happened to the street I
live on! Longer commute to work this week.


New paint job for the car hole! Looks great! Sorry...I don't have a
'before' picture, but trust needed it!

Look at this! Hope College Campus SAFETY truck being safe and helpful
by parking diagonally in a handicapped parking spot. Notice that there
is no indication of handicapped-ness on the plate, and there wasn't
one hanging from the rear-view mirror either!

Way to help and keep things safe!


Wierd Baby Thing...

Alright, so my daughter, Emerson, turned 8 months old yesterday. The last 8 months have been pretty fantastic with her. She's really starting to show off her personality and is really working hard to crawl, but isn't quite there yet.

The last 8 months have also been eye opening. I have seen/encountered things I never new existed, some I wish never had to exist. This brings us to today's post. My wife and I were at the grocery store to pick up the norm, when I ran across these:

Yes...Boogie Wipes. Wait, Huh. Really? "Boogie" Wipes? You couldn't have called them "Nose Wipes", "Sniffle Stoppers", or something like that?

Anyway...if it wasn't enough for them to be called "Boogie Wipes" they're also GREEN! Come on! Green? Why didn't you just have them dispense from a nose-shaped box to seal the deal?

Oh and by the way, they're "Great for Lunchboxes, Backpacks, & Purses" Huh!? For wiping them or storing them? Final question...Do you want something called "Boogie Wipes" in your lunchbox?

Needless to say, we didn't purchase these, but I do find enjoyment in finding strange baby products. I'd say this one is "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!"

Oh, and if you've tried these, I am curious to know how well they worked and if the "Fresh Sent" smells like dryer sheets. Thanks!



Which one is which?

Okay...Time now to test both your Food AND Space knowledge. Here's the deal, this weekend, we ate quesadilla's for dinner. The following image is a side by side comparison of the Planet Jupiter and a Quesadilla that grilled up looking like Jupiter. Here's your test...Which is which?



You control the Music Video!?

Wait...Huh!? How does the viewer control the Music Video? Like this...Check it out!

**Basic instructions: Clicking the different colors above each musician will change their sound/instrument.**


Ha ha...Early Morning Funny

Love your Mp3 Player? Love Wiener Dogs? You're in luck! You can now pick up a pair of Wiener Dog Ear Buds...That's headphones for the older folk. Check it out...Here's the link!



Stop me if this sounds familiar...

"It's another busy weeknight, around dinner time, you open the fridge to see lots of food, but no meals" STOP!

Okay...Got it.

So yes...We've all been there. We didn't plan for dinner, we open the fridge multiple times, just HOPING that some meal manifests itself between door openings, but to no avail. Well...enter SUPERCOOK!

This handy little website, at its very basic level, allows you to enter all the different food items you have in your fridge and pantry and it will, on the fly, offer up meal options based on what you have available!

A definite plus during these tough economic times!



the Breathers!

Become one today!

Pst...Are you a JQ Family Rewards member? Are you a fan of NeedtoBreathe? If so...check this out. NeedtoBreathe has a fun little group called "the Breathers" and you can join...FREE.

Complete Missions and earn points just like JQ Family Rewards. You can then use those points for other fun things like: Posters, T-Shirts, and MORE! Very cool!

If you'd like to check it out and/or sign up, CLICK HERE!

Glad this wasn't around when I was a kid...

When I was a kid, I played outside, played inside, and played LOTS-o-VIDEO GAMES. I don't anymore, and that's mainly due to the fact that I have a 7 month old watching everything I do, while I'm watching her.

It's okay though, I knew that the older you get, the more your priorities change, and you know what, I'm really okay with that. While years ago I enjoyed spending time Squishing Goombas and Saving the Princess, Tracking down the all-powerful Triforce, and Defending mankind in Space...the following have replaced them:

* Squishing bugs to Save my Little Princess.
* Tracking down the all-powerful toy that comforts Her.
* Defending my space as it gets taken over by more and more pink colored things.

But to be honest...I don't miss them that much, and every once in a while, I'll get a weekend alone, and then it's me and my old friend having a good time once again. Video Games are kind of like a bike, you never forget how to play (ride).

Anyway...All that to say, that I found evidence of a very Parent-Friendly gadget, that will aid them in the battle against their children going on All Day Video Game Binges this summer.

Check it out...It's the "Game Dr."

Simply put, you plug your Video Game system's power cord into it, IT plugs into an outlet, and after a Parent set amount of time, it will kill the power to the system, rendering the system useless until the next opportunity. Oh...and you can't simply unplug the system cord, since it's locked inside the "Game Dr." nice and tight.

My thoughts...Sales of extra power cords are going to go up! Buy stock now! Want more info...Here's the article I found.



Where am I at?

So where am I at on the whole "calorie counting/weight loss" thing on my iPhone. Pretty much where I was last time. I've been naughty enough here and there to slow down my progress. However, I believe I'm still on track for my goal weight on my goal date!

In other news...Since today's supposed to be a pretty nice day, here are some Friday time wasters:

In the music department, here's a drum machine that has different effects tied to the letters on your keyboard. Make some music and share with your cubicle neighbor! LINK

Also...See what kind of song you can come up with, with this fun little program. LINK

In the art/entertainment department, here's a fun site where movie/film posters are reduced to an abstract image. They're really cool looking and you can even play a game by guess what movie the poster is for. The "How to Play" can be found on the site! LINK

Outside of those time wasters, here are a couple of opportunities to catch up with JQ99!

Coming up later today (Friday, May 8th) I'll be broadcasting live at Garden Crossings from 5-7. Stop out and pick up some flowers for mom before Mother's Day arrives. Also...For any JQ Family Rewards members...I'll have a Bonus Code!

Tomorrow (Saturday, May 9th), you can find me, Ceci, Mandy, and Sports Director Roger Allen, driving/riding along in the Tulip Time Meijer Muziekparade. Thing is...the line up online doesn't have us in I won't make a promise that we'll be there! :)

That's about it. Take care of yourself, others, and call your mom! It's her day on Sunday!


Oh and just for fun...Here's an image that made me laugh:


Losin' It: Week 3 (Back on track)

Okay...So...After meeting my wife, getting married, and having a child, I've put on a significant amount of weight...FOR ME. So...I decided to do something about it.

A couple of things about me...I like games/contests and technology! So with my iPhone in hand I sought out an application that would assist me in my quest of losing a couple of pounds.

Here's the stats for you:

* Starting weight: 180
* Goal weight: 165
* Plan: Lose 1 pound per week.

Take a look at this screenshot.

Within the last 3 weeks, I've lost 5 pounds. Oh..and that spike towards the end? That's Easter weekend. Oops!

I'll try and share more as I continue "Losin' It!"



Daddy Day Care...uh...Day

So our Day Care provider headed out for Spring Break early, leaving us to find a replacement. Well...part of the "Replacement Plan" involved me staying home today with Baby Emerson. That's ALONE...for a LONG TIME...for the FIRST TIME!

Here's what I was greeted with this morning when I woke up. CLICK HERE!

Yeah...So...HAPPY FRIDAY! I'll try and check in throughout the day and let you know how the Daddy Day Care is running!



Children Books into Movies...

Okay...So here's the deal. I don't like reading. Never been a big fan. I can do it...but it's not enjoyable for me. I'd rather do something else. Get the picture?

Well...This is who I've been since I was a kid. Now, I'm guessing that I am 1 of a 'handful' of individuals who has NEVER read the book, "Where the Wild Things Are". Don't know why the book never crossed my path, just never did.

Anyway...I bring it up, because by something short of a miracle, Hollywood has taken a short children's book and turned them into full-length feature movie. They have done "the Grinch"..."Hornton Hears a Who"..."The Polar Express"...and maybe a few others. Now..."Where the Wild Things Are" is coming to theaters.

I watched the trailer...Not bad. Click here to view the Trailer!

All that to say, that my FAVORITE children's of the few books I've ever read, still has yet to become a full-length feature.

Where's my...

..."Harold and the Purple Crayon"!

This is a book I'd like to see transformed into a live action movie! So...Hear my cry Hollywood...please make, "Harold and the Purple Crayon"!



Music Tune Tuesday...

Kind of just came up with the heading, I doubt it'll be a weekly installment. But here's the deal...For whatever reason, I thought I would let you know the Top 3 songs on my iPhone this week. Ready?

#3. Switchfoot - "Stars"

#2. The Afters - "Never Going Back to OK"


#1. Jars of Clay - "Work"

Let these be a recommendation for you. Now...moving away from the music for a moment and moving to JQ Family Rewards. I think that I'm going to try and give a "Hint" every once in a while, in order to help you all out. So, without further ado...Here's today's JQ Family Rewards Hint...

"Unlike the saying, when it comes to winning a JQ Family Rewards Contest, putting your "eggs"...or one "basket"...or Contest...WILL give you a better shot at winning."

There you go! And just for grins...How's about a Bonus Code? Enter in the title of the #1 song on my iPhone and earn 3,500 Points! Click here to go enter it!




Again...It's been a while...

It get's old...I know...but it has been a while, and I apologize. But here's the deal, I've really been working hard at a lot of different things..

JQ99's Facebook Page
JQ99's Twitter Page
JQ Family Rewards
and MORE!

I'm getting to a point now, where I can visit each thing a couple of things and each day will be fresh and new. That said..I'm not QUITE there...but it's coming.

Aside from that, yesterday was B-e-a-U-tiful at 70 degrees. What did you do? Myself? I stayed inside with my daughter. Oh well. Bike riding weather is coming.

Sorry for the short post, I'll continue to work to update this on a more continuous basis!




I know I'm a father because... my daughter Emerson is now 16 weeks old and things have starting happening in my life that verify my role as a father. So here are a list of the things that affirm my fatherhood status:

- I have a pacifier in my jacket at all times.
- I also don't mind sucking on the pacifier in my jacket when it needs washing.
- I get calls from people who drive by my house and see me dancing in the window. It's during these phone calls that I tell them that I am singing and dancing for my daughter, for entertainment purposes only.
- I spend more time combing her hair then I do my own.
- After weeks of getting her to do a 'raspberry' with her tongue, at random times throughout the day, NOT around my daughter, I find myself doing 'raspberries' to no one.
- Pink is now a cool color, although I still won't wear it.
- The word "Poopie" is now used for exciting times, rather than challenging times.
- The word "Grumpy-Pants" is now a frequent word in my vocabulary.
- My goal each and every day is to make my daughter laugh.

These are just a few things, I'm sure I'll have more to share at another time. Enjoy!


The 'Office' Design a T-Shirt Contest I'm a huge fan of the office. Not too long ago I ran across a contest on the NBC 'Office' web site/page. It was a design a T-shirt contest. Something that could then be sold at 'the Office' online store.

So I thought...and thought...and thought...when it came to me, why not design a T-shirt that looks like one is wearing a mustard yellow collared shirt with a yellow and brown tie, Dwight Schrute I did, take a look: people can vote on them and I'm not doing half bad! Almost 4 out of 5 stars! You have a voice click the link below and vote. Vote fairly...if you like it, vote high, if not...that's cool, vote low. Either way...I'm pretty excited...there are prizes to be won!




Mystery Hotwheel!

So I was at Target just a couple of days after Christmas...thought I would check out the toy isle and ran across a new way to sell Hotwheels...MAKE IT A MYSTERY!

Ha...what a great idea...Could be a Garbage Truck...or a Hurst...or a really cool Hot Rod, your guess is as good as anyone elses!

