Recently Played Songs on JQ99


Married...When's the Anniversary this past weekend I got married! How awesome is that! I have a wife now! Wow...kind of weird to say...a wife! Life is great so far and we have taken a couple of days to relax and have a few more on the way, but today and tomorrow (Wednesday and Thursday) we have to, here's a new post.

Now that we're Anniversary is a year away. However, today I received a credit card size card that has the 2007 calendar on it, a list of all the holidays, and a list of...get this...Wedding Anniversary Gifts. So...if you have an anniversary coming up and want to be old fashion about it, here is the official list of gifts. Where are you?

1st - Clocks
2nd - China
3rd - Crystal/Glass
4th - Appliances
5th - Silverware
6th - Wood
7th - Desk Sets
8th - Linen/Lace
9th - Leather
10th - Diamond Jewelry
11th - Fashion Jewelry
12th - Pearls
13th - Textiles/Furs
14th - Gold Jewelry
15th - Watches
20th - Platinum
25th - Silver
30th - Diamond
35th - Jade
40th - Ruby
45th - Sapphire
50th - Gold
55th - Emerald
60th - Diamond I have a full year to plan for a clock...I think I can do this!



Coolest NEW Timewaster on the Web!

Alright...I've got another Time Waster that not only educates but is really cool! If you haven't heard by now, well you'll have to investigate. Google has this program called...Google Earth. It's a very gives viewers an opportunity to view any area of the Earth and zoom in pretty far!, this week Google has added "Sky". This gives Google Earth viewers the option to take to the skies and view the stars, galaxies, constellations, and MORE!

You have to check it out...within minutes of searching the vastness of the Universe, I ran across this little nebula...any guesses to what it's name is?

(Click for larger image.)

Know the name? Try...North America Nebula. Yeah...look again...looks a little like the United States/North America! Pretty Cool.

It's a free service and does require you to download the software, but I was up and running in about 5 minutes! Enjoy!



Dora the Explorer Public Service Announcement

So with the recent recall of millions of Mattel seemed necessary to bring out the good old "Public Service Announcement."

However...this one is done straight from someone who is effected even more than you and I...Dora the Explorer. She'll give you the information you need to spot the issues and even give tell you how to handle the recall.

Take a look!

**Just in case you were really fooled...this was done as a bit for the station. It's my voice and I ran across some video footage and spliced it together with my audio to make this. It is all in fun and I hope you laughed...feel free to submit a comment or 2 and let me know what you thought!




After Unity 2007 - Who's Who? 2007 is over and as I recall the events of Unity, I'm left thinking about some key moments.

A few of these moments include:

My Kutless, Newsboys, Leelane, downhere, and Jars of Clay ALL did extremely well.

I picked up a new favorite...Burlap to Cashmere, who by the way rocked it too!

The new JQ99 Prize Wheel is a very popular toy and will be a big hit!

and of the last key moments I've been thinking about...

How much Steven Delopoulos (Lead singer from Burlap to Cashmere) looks like Mark Ruffalo. Didn't catch that? Take a look.

Do you know who's who?

Leave a comment and I'll share the answer in the next day or so.

Good luck guess...unless you have an eagle-eye, or it's really easier than I thought.



A new hobbie?

So recently I had the exciting opportunity to participate in an activity that I've been wanting to try for a very long time...Golf.

Now...before you say negative things about's one thing to watch Golf on T.V. (which can be as exciting as watching grass grow),'s another to actually play the game.

My friends took me out and I was the only one who had never played a day in his life. Long story short, I had a great time, it wasn't over and done with too quickly, and they said I did fairly well for my first time and that I could actually make contact with the ball!

I'm excited for my next opportunity...whenever that might be. But now I need some clubs and shoes. However...these things will have to wait, there's been a lot of spending going on for the wedding that is...2 weeks away...and I'll have to save up.

Not to mention that my finacee, Annie and I want to get a pair of Kayaks, which need to be purchased before the clubs. :) was a great time and I can't wait to go again. If you have any tips, please feel free to leave a comment. I could use the help!



Remember these Guys?

Alright...for you "older" people out there, what I'm about to say will probably be funny...for you "younger" people out there, don't laugh, because soon you'll be saying the same thing.

It's official...I'm old. I recently found out that there is a movie coming out this December...Christmas time to be exact that features and unbelievable trio of boys that can sing like no-one you've ever heard.

Who is it? Take a look.

Yeah...I'm old. I remember watching these guys on t.v., I remember that it wasn't Christmas time until I heard those guys sing my favorite Christmas songs, I remember watching the animated movies.

Now...a live action movie is coming out featuring Jason Lee...(Earl, from "My name is Earl") as Dave Seville.

I caught the trailer and wanted to share.


Ah...the 80's/early 90's...welcome back.
