Recently Played Songs on JQ99


Holy Post Batman!

Yes...I know it's been WAY too long since I last posted. I've been extremely busy like the rest of the world. I've been covering for many different people here at the station.

But...I'm BACK! Just in time to leave! HA!

My wife Annie and I are taking that "Christmas Vacation" we've always know the one to some really warm place. That place that makes you never want to return to work. Yeah...we're going there. I'll be back after the New Year.

I just thought that since I'll be gone for a while I would post something...a Christmas Greeting! Here you go!

I'll try and bring some sunshine back with me...if I could only figure out how to get it. Hmm.

Merry Christmas!!



New favorite Christmas Song... it looks like I'm not persistent enough to keep up with the Music Video, I think that you all like regular posts if anything.'s a special day. I found a new Favorite Christmas Song. Jars of Clay: Love Came Down at Christmas. Great song, with great lyrics, beats, and all that.

Well...I found the music video. It's really cool! Kind of like if a group of kids drew out the Christmas Story, seeing that I'm not sure that Mary and Joseph traveled by a "Pink Polka-Doted Unicorned Giraffe". the's really cool and so is the song. Thanks!
