Recently Played Songs on JQ99


Music Video Monday! (November 5th)

Today's Music video comes from a group that has never before been played on JQ99. I also don't see it hitting the airwaves any time soon either. (Just doesn't fit our format)'s a little older video, but I wanted to share it because I think it holds some interesting discussion. Today's video features Christian rap artist, "Grits" and the song is called, "Hittin' Curves".

I find it interesting to combine rap and Christianity...and originally at first, I felt it was disrespectful...but after some thought and discussion I now think of it as a tool.

A tool? Yes..a tool. Imagine a young teen who spends their time listening to the terrible messages of mainstream rap music because for some reason that's what they've grown up on. One day that young teen hears a song like the following and realizes that music doesn't need to consist of garbage and negative messages. That they can still get the sound, groove, feel, beat, and music, but with a much more positive message.
I present to you..."Grits: Hittin' Curves" (Click the link for the lyrics)


Music Video Monday! (October 29th)

I've got a special treat for you today...a group that I'm going to guess many of you have never heard of. Their a group I picked up on about 5-6 years ago...(maybe)...there sound...very catchy...the lyrics/meaning...great and very insightful. you's "Music Video Monday" is:

Seven Places: Landslide




Oops.'s official...I'm a dork.

Last wife, Annie, was giving me a hug before she left the house and looked at me funny. I looked back at her...said, "What?"

She told me to go look in the mirror. I thought I had spilled something on my shirt...or something like that.

Well...after being dressed all day...doing what I normally, meetings, etc. I realized that my undershirt had been inside-out ALL day long.

I guess it could have been could have been on backwards too!

Oh well.



What are we doing to our kids?

Okay...right off the bat...let me tell you that this post is kind of a rant. I was in the FM studio today and ran across a magazine and found the following advertisement...
Wow..."Tums" for kids...not only kids...but children TWO YEARS OLD to ELEVEN!!
(The age range is printed on the bottle)

You've got to be kidding me! Now...I'm not 100% sure how "Tums" or "Rolaids", and the like work...but I can't imagine that they'd have a positive impact on a 2 year old's tummy!

Another glance at the ad and I realize what's happening in the picture...the older sister in the ad is encouraging her brother to help build a "dessert" that would destroy even the toughest stomach.

Look closely and you'll notice the following items:

Cheese Puffs
Whip Cream
Ice Cream
Potato Chips
Chocolate Syrup
Fruit Loops
Chocolate Chips
Chocolate Chip Cookies
and Marshmallows!
(and probably more that I can't see!)

Now...I don't have kids...but I've spent lots of time with kids...and I'm all for having fun and making a mess...but after some thought...maybe these children don't need a "Tums" to help their tummies feel better...but maybe someone needs to inform their parent of what they're doing while they're not around!

Just a thought!



Music Video Monday! (October 22nd)

Here's another after last weeks delayed video featuring Relient K and John Reuben.

This week I bring you a group that was found at Unity 2007...Leeland.

In all his redheaded goodness...Leeland brings us "Sound of Melodies."

A unique sound with some catchy grooves and a great message take a listen. all the "Lost" that Hurley on drums?




Music Video Monday! (October 15th)

Hey hey hey...kind of a special music video today. Since we've got the Switchfoot and Relient K concert coming up on Thursday...I'd like to offer up a song featuring Matt Theissen.

Today's video is from a gentleman by the name of John Reuben. Coming from his, "The Boy vs. The Cynic" cd...comes..."Nuisance"

Very cool video and AWESOME song!




Wow... there I was flipping channels last night when all of the sudden I come up on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. Now I don't typically watch these types of programs but the story I caught was an amazing story.

The story was about this program being implimented in schools across the nation called, "Blessings in a Backpack"

Check on the news story here!




Music Video Monday! (October 8th)

Got another one for of my reason for posting these videos is because...although the words of a song can enter the heart and mind very quickly and evoke an emotion...I know for me...a visual element, heightens that experience.

Today's Music Video Monday is from a little known group: Hawk Nelson.

I don't think it got any radio play on JQ99...unless it was on Total Axxess. However, it's a very catch song, with a great message, and good visuals...take a look.

Thanks for watching!


Fall Countdown

So...I think according to the's already Fall, or Autumn, whatever YOU call it!

However...with temps in the 80's for the next several days and plenty of green on the trees...when is West Michigan going to fully dive into fall?

Well...check out this elaborate graphic from

So...there you have of 10.3.7 we're Patchy in our Fall Foliage. However by the looks of it Near Peak should be here quickly. I'm going to call it and say that within the next couple of the latest...end of October...we'll be hanging out in the Peak territory.

So there you have you can plan your color tours accordingly!
