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Losin' It: Week 3 (Back on track)

Okay...So...After meeting my wife, getting married, and having a child, I've put on a significant amount of weight...FOR ME. So...I decided to do something about it.

A couple of things about me...I like games/contests and technology! So with my iPhone in hand I sought out an application that would assist me in my quest of losing a couple of pounds.

Here's the stats for you:

* Starting weight: 180
* Goal weight: 165
* Plan: Lose 1 pound per week.

Take a look at this screenshot.

Within the last 3 weeks, I've lost 5 pounds. Oh..and that spike towards the end? That's Easter weekend. Oops!

I'll try and share more as I continue "Losin' It!"



Daddy Day Care...uh...Day

So our Day Care provider headed out for Spring Break early, leaving us to find a replacement. Well...part of the "Replacement Plan" involved me staying home today with Baby Emerson. That's ALONE...for a LONG TIME...for the FIRST TIME!

Here's what I was greeted with this morning when I woke up. CLICK HERE!

Yeah...So...HAPPY FRIDAY! I'll try and check in throughout the day and let you know how the Daddy Day Care is running!
