Recently Played Songs on JQ99


New favorite Christmas Song... it looks like I'm not persistent enough to keep up with the Music Video, I think that you all like regular posts if anything.'s a special day. I found a new Favorite Christmas Song. Jars of Clay: Love Came Down at Christmas. Great song, with great lyrics, beats, and all that.

Well...I found the music video. It's really cool! Kind of like if a group of kids drew out the Christmas Story, seeing that I'm not sure that Mary and Joseph traveled by a "Pink Polka-Doted Unicorned Giraffe". the's really cool and so is the song. Thanks!


1 comment:

Karen said...

Cool Jeremy! Thanks for sharing. Love your new header. Keep up the good work. Hope you don't mind, but I'll share the video on my blog too. THANKS!