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11 months...Woah!

That little girl right there...She's 11 months old today!

Wow...Where did the time go? Woke up this morning and remembered that today my baby girl turned 11 months old today. Even better...1 month from today she's going to celebrate her first birthday!

Now I have the world's worst memory, and since I can remember everything that happened on October 9th & 10, 2008, in very vivid detail...Time has gone by WAY too fast.

It's kind of exciting though...Pretty soon she'll be walking and talking. Right now she spends her time making nonsense noises, which are cute, and crawling faster than any other land mammal!

Good stuff!


1 comment:

Kim @ Life of a Modern Mom said...

She is adorable. It is amazing how fast a year goes. My daughter turns two next week, and I still can't believe it.