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Spring Swim Phone Call

So the annual JQ99 First Swim of the Spring is this Saturday. This is the 13th Spring Swim we've done and we're trying to make it the largest swim ever. So big in fact, that we've tried to bring in celebrities...however, we've been unsuccessful.

It was my job to contact President Bush...I recorded the phone call...take a listen...

I know that he means well and unfortunately he's just way too busy to come to Spring Swim, but maybe you're not. Grab a release form and pledge form over at and join us this Saturday, March 22nd!

See you there!


1 comment:

Karen said...

Nice job on the phone call, Jeremy! :) Too bad Bush can't make it, but I bet you'll have a great turn out regardless. Thanks to JQ and the DJs for all your efforts to help others. Keep up the good work!