Recently Played Songs on JQ99


Captain's Blog: 7.21.06

Good day to you all!

What to talk about today...hmm. Well, one thing that's been on my mind lately is the fact that about 2 months ago I caught the "Lost" bug.

Well I whipped through the season 1 DVD's and finished it just in time for the season 2 reruns to air on ABC. ABC's been really good about airing the episodes in order, then all of the sudden this week...nothing..."Lost" was missing, instead it was another "cookie-cutter" reality show.

I checked the schedule to see what next week Wednesday would hold, and low and behold another 2 episodes! Wait...those 2 episodes aren't the next ones! Yes that's right the ones they would have aired this past Wednesday vanished!

So I downloaded them from iTune and watched them last night. I couldn't believe of all episodes to skip over they picked these 2!

**Spoilers Lie Ahead**

The first episode: "The Hunting Party" had Jack, Sawyer, and Locke going after Michael. Well then the "Others" surrounded them and gave a few bits of information on the island! Viewers actually got to see one of the "Others."

The second episode: "Fire & Water" revolves around Charlie and Claire's baby. Charlie has dreams (or decide) about Aaron needing to be baptized. There's obviously something important with that baby.

So anyway, those episodes contained some really important information, why skip over them? I guess the more I think about it the more I think that ALL the episodes contain important information, and NONE of them should be overlooked.

For all you "Non-Lost" people...well, "What's wrong with you!" No...I'm kidding, there isn't anything wrong with you, but here's something else I was thinking about.

Whistling. I'm pretty sure most of us do it sometime through out the day. Well, here at the station, JQ plays through the building, so I'll find myself whistling a song without even realizing it.

The interesting thing...I think there is an unwritten rule that no 2 people can whistle the same song at the same time. Example...I might start whistling a song, and then someone else will start, I get this weird feeling and have to stop.

You might be thinking...well maybe that's just you. Well it's not, I've tried the reverse. Example...Someone else is whistling a song, I join in without realizing and find myself the only one doing it, the other person stops!

Try it out works. It kind of reminds me of the theory that yawns are contagious.

I'm out!


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