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Exercise is GOOD!

Blah...exercise. That's what most of us think of it. Well I've been on a bike riding kick lately.

Feeling pretty good about it. I've been getting outside, getting exercise, and drinking lots of water. Amazing how one activity can accomplish so many good things.

I've been regularly riding my bike for the last 4 days. "Go Me!"

On Sunday I even watched coverage of the "Tour de France" Let me tell you, I was expecting something quite boring and sub-par to the "British Open" (Pun intended)

Well I was quite surprise, the "Tour de France" was really exciting. That moment where Floyd Landis kicked it into high gear and came back from being behind, landed me at the edge of my futon. It was awesome!

So with all my biking I decided to throw a picture together, depicting what it would look like if I won the "Tour de France." Don't laugh...well, go ahead, it is pretty funny looking.


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