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A day that changed my life...

Happy Monday!

So today is an interesting day. One year ago today I received word that an employee here at JQ passed away. Little did I know that that situation would effect me as much as it did.

Some of you reading this may remember him...William (Jack) Moelker. Great guy, loved trains.

As a train lover Jack would take vacations and ride the rails to wherever, meeting whoever. That's where I came in...sort of. Back then I was only part-time...well less than part-time, only like 3 hours a week running the board for a remote. (A foot in the door)

After I got familiar with things here at the station I would cover for Jack while he was gone on vacation. (Another foot in the door)

During this time last year I was really struggling with my full-time place of employment, and was grasping at straws to try and find another job. I would spend a full days, dressed up in my suit filling out applications and handing out resumes, which all eventually led to dead ends.

Flash forward to the day Jack passed away and I received an email from Troy informing me of the situation. Troy wanted to bring me in for what I thought was just to cover for Jack until they foud a replacement, but it was more, it was a job offer.

I was stunned. The situation with my other job was stressing me out beyond all belief, and here was this huge break. A break at the expense of someones life? That was kind of tough to deal with.

I began to look at it as a balance...something good can come out of something bad. Then I began to think...what was the bad part? Jack's death? No way! His friends and family might view that as bad, because they would no longer be able to spend time with him, but he's going to be doing great! He'll be ridin' the rails in Heaven, kickin' it the God! How awesome is that!

So the more I thought about it the more I thought that everything worked out really well. Jack got to be with his "Father," I finally got to leave the stress behind at the video store, JQ got a hard worker, and I saw how God can work in my life.

So many times I wallowed in the fact that sometimes I felt God was spending more time on other peoples lives. "What about me? What about the things I need?" Those were common phrases of mine.

Then 1 year ago today, God grabbed my face, you know like a parent does to their child when they want the child to really hear what they have to say, and told me He is taking care of my needs.

Thanks God...thanks Jack.


1 comment:

ROBCAN said...

Jeremy, hello ..

You don't know me, but awhile ago William Jack Moelker and I emailed each other several times regarding some information about KCND-TV (Pembina, North Dakota) where he worked at one time.

He had mentioned he had some video and/or audio clips of KCND-TV, but also they were either misplaced or damaged because of flooding.

Do you know about these clips, and if so, would you be able to search or locate them, and either email or snail-me? I don't know how to ask this or explain it hehe so thought I'd contact you.

I live in Winnipeg, Canada.

Thanks for your help & time - Rob.