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It Really is the Simple Things... yesterday I had a little free time and spent it hanging out with one of my good friends.

We headed out to Grandville to "Music Store Hop" to look at guitars, bass', and other music goodies.

One of the stores we went to had the largest selection of acoustic guitars that I had ever seen. Which really doesn't say much, because I don't go to these stores very often.

In any really made my day. Out of every instrument the one that sticks out in my mind is the Acoustic Guitar. The sound they produce is superior to all other instrument (in my mind) and the beauty of the craftsmanship as well as the beauty of the accents is just awesome.

Before you ask..."Yes...I can play." I'm not super good, but I'm not horrible. I'm kind of middle of the road. It's something I've picked up since I was 18, so since I'm turning 25 here in a little more than a week and a half, I guess I've been playing for about 6 years.

So at this store with the "largest selections of acoustic guitars you'll ever see" (sorry that sounds like a bad television ad) I spent a good portion of my time picking them up and playing. (You ARE allowed to do that.)

Needless to say, I couldn't stop smiling. There I was, surrounded by beauty, when I realized that it really is the simple things that make life good. I think everyone needs to find a simple thing, that way everyone will be happy.

One other really cool thing happened. There I was enclosed in this room of beauty when I picked up a guitar, started playing and then caught a glimpse of the price tag: $4,500.00! Yikes...wait...COOL!

Here's a picture of the guitar.


Anonymous said...

hey jeremy..

my birthday is next week wednesday! i'll be 23!


Jeremy said...


Happy Birthday to You,

Happy Birthday to You,

Happy Birthday dear Jen,

Happy Birthday to You!