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There's a new Joker in town...

As a Batman fan, today is a good day. Today they (whoever "they" are) announced the official title of the next Batman movie, and confirmed who would be playing "the clown prince."


In the end of "Batman Begins" Jim Gordan is talking with Batman and is telling him there's a new threat in town and he's been leaving calling cards...a Joker playing card. Meaning the Joker will be in the next installment of the newly renovated Batman movies.

So the confirmed title of the new movie is: "The Dark Knight" Very cool! The confirmed actor to portray the Batman's nemesis will be Heath Ledger. There was a lot of speculation as to who was going to play the Joker; Robin Williams, Jude Law, Steve Buscemi, and others, but in the end Ledger got the role.

In the spirit of Batman, I put together this picture of the Dark Kight and the Joker (animated) with Christian Bale (who will again be playing Batman) and Heath Ledger's faces. Enjoy and I cannot wait for this movie...too bad filming doesn't start until next year.


1 comment:

Dave Roberts said...

Jeremy - this is Dave, Ceci's husband. I have a question for you - how did you make the header on your blog? What program did you use?
