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I've Got a New Best Friend!

Even though for most people commercials are their least favorite part of watching television, I must admit that there is a company out there, that has the most entertaining ones to watch.

They have so many things going for them in the commercials, humor, a great mascot, and the message is simple.

Who am I talking about? Geico.

Now, I haven't really bought into their service because my insurance is through State Farm, and since I've always had it through them, I plan to keep it that way for a while.

However the Geico commericals are entertaining enough that I feel like I have a new best friend...The Geico Gecko. Here's a picture of us chillin' out at the beach.

He's a great pal! He's friendly, has a cool accent, drives a cool car, and is overall a great friend.

Now you may be looking at the picture and wondering...why is the Geico Gecko so tall? Isn't he only like 3-5 inches tall. Well...that's a secret, but I'll go ahead and share it with you.

He's really about 5 feet 6 inches tall, however with camera placement, special lighting, and special computer effects, Geico can make him look 3-5 inches tall.

Well, just wanted to share that I've made a new friend!


1 comment:

Ceci LaBarge said...

Someone needs to take PhotoShop off your Mac!